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Lectra Modaris is a 3D CAD CNC controller and Diamino is a 3D CAM software for PCB design. It's hard to imagine modular machines without complex CAD and CAM systems, but there are times when such complexities are not necessary or desirable. This blog post will discuss why such software can be useful in envisioning what your dreams of engineering may become. The two pieces of software were chosen based on the fact that they present their features in simple terms and do not require too much understanding before jumping into action. They also provide extensive sections on tutorials and documentation making it quite an easy product to get started with. The 3D modeling part of Modaris CNC controlled machines and Diamino CNC CAM software uses the same basic concepts as those used in many other computer aided design (CAD) packages. As such, there are some similarities between these two products and that some may find their usage similar to those of the free open source CAD application OpenSCAD. The full version of Lectra Modaris is used for design and manufacturing and includes all features required for production model machining on a variety of materials. The first step is to open a project file. The project file represents the whole model, including all parts of the machine, its main functional units and sub-assemblies. The CAD software also allows you to create virtual machines with different design capacity, for example you can build a small 2-axis milling machine with this streamlined CAD system. All machine control is realized through an extensive system of commands and parameters. These commands describe to the computer which actions should be taken and what information should be recorded by the machine. Parameters describe either internal characteristics of the machine or external parameters that affect it, such as feed rate or rotation speed or cutting tool rotational speed. Parameters are stored in a database and later used in commands to carry out necessary actions at this point. Once a machine has been designed, you can create a control program from these commands and parameters for the machine. The control program instructs the machine with commands and parameters to follow and record information that is of interest to you. The software guided by these commands is able to instruct the CNC milling machine device to follow all of your design ideas. For example, if you decide that you need a 3-axis milling machine capable of machining large objects, such as wooden beams or plates in size 4x4 or 5x5, then it would be beneficial to use custom components such as an electric motor with shaft length of 50 mm and 250-500 W power capacity. The machine should also make use of long tool column with tool changing capability. It is also important for this machine to be able to operate on the feed rate range of 0.4 mm/s to 2 mm/s (0.001" / s ~ 0.03" / s) and ultimately reach an average speed up to 5000 rpm on each axis, while cutting tool rotation speed ranges from 4000 rpm to 10500 rpm. At this point, one can think of an ideal 3-axis CNC rapid milling machine with advanced features such as stepper motor support, computer control support and stepper motor drive mechanism. cfa1e77820